Nothing Bad Happens When Women Are

Happier, Healthier, & Making More Money

Hello! I’m Jamie

That statement at the top of the page?
I’ve built my entire business on that belief.

6-figure entrepreneurs hire me to help them fix their health so they have the energy, mental clarity, capacity, & confidence to scale their business to the high six to 7-figure range.

YOU are your brand

Your health directly impacts the health & success of your business

I’ve spent over a decade in the health & wellness space between teaching yoga, personal training, & health coaching.

One thing that has become abundantly clear is that women overestimate the amount of knowledge they need & underestimate the amount of support they need to get the results they want.

I’m that support.
I make it simple & sustainable.

You can have your cake & eat it too [figuratively & literally!].
Life doesn't have to be either/or, it gets to be and/both.


Want a checklist of the EXACT daily habits I start all my private clients with?